26 April 2014

Interview with KickSat designer Zac Manchester

This interview with Zac Manchester of KickSat took place on 26 April 2014, just over a week after the KickSat satellite was successfully launched from Cape Canaveral.

The KickSat satellite carries over 100 miniaturized satellites called Sprites (including AirSafe.com's first satellite), and these will be deployed later in the mission.

Kicksat Sprite satellite
Sprite miniature satellite

In the interview, Zac discusses the planning and development process for KickSat, the technology that made the miniaturized Sprite satellites possible, and the volunteer network of radio operators who will detect the signals from the Sprites once they deploy.

For additional information, including links for plans to build your own Sprite satellite, please visit kicksat.airsafe.com

Related resources
KickSat launch on 18 April 2014
Subscribe to the AirSafe.com podcast on iTunes

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