23 January 2008

Investigation Update for the British Airways 777 Crash of 17 January 2008

The Air Accidents Investigations Branch (AAIB), the UK organization responsible for investigating the 17 January 2008 crash of a British Airways 777 jet at London's Heathrow Airport, released a brief statement about the progress of the investigation the day after the accident. The links below will take you to the several audio and video versions of the podcast that summarizes the interim findings, and that also describes likely issues that may come up in this investigation.

Podcast Links
Audio: MP3 | VideoiPod/MP4 | WMV | Google Video | YouTube

These other links will take you to additional related resources.

Other Podcasts: http://podcast.airsafe.orgg
Other Accident Resources: http://777.airsafe.org
Post Accident Checklist: http://airsafe.com/analyze/checklst.htm

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