26 October 2005

The Conversation at AirSafe.com Podcast is Live 25 October 2005

The Conversation at AirSafe.com™ podcast is now live and ready for downloading. You can listen to the podcast in the following ways:

- Thorugh the the feed XML file at http://www.airsafe.com/podcast/rss.xml, or

- go directly to the MP3 file through the following link:

We are open to suggestions and look forward to reading your feedback about past shows or your suggestions for future shows.
  1. Show #1 - Airline Blacklists
    Date: 25 October 2005
    Length: 11:41
    Location: http://www.airsafe.com/podcasts/show1.mp3
    Description: The US, UK, France, and several other countries have publicized lists of countries and airlines that are banned from operating in their respective country. AirSafe.com founder Dr. Todd Curtis explains why these governments have not gone far enough to inform the public.